张肖肖,李书义,郭峰,等.偏心凸轮–挺柱副摩擦特性试验研究[J].内燃机工程,2022,43(5):84-90. |
偏心凸轮–挺柱副摩擦特性试验研究 |
Experimental Study on Friction Characteristics of Eccentric Cam–Tappet Pairs |
DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2022.05.012 |
关键词:偏心凸轮 摩擦系数 滑滚比 剪应变率 接触区负荷 |
Key Words:eccentric cam coefficient of friction slide-roll ratio shear strain rate contact zone load |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51775286,52005278);内燃机可靠性国家重点实验室开放课题项目(WCDL—GH—2020—0210) |
摘要点击次数: 1620 |
全文下载次数: 854 |
摘要:采用自主研发的偏心凸轮–挺柱副油膜润滑测试系统,对不同工况参数(凸轮转速、初始负荷、润滑油黏度和偏心距)下凸轮–挺柱副的摩擦特性进行试验研究。结果显示摩擦系数随凸轮转角变化呈现先上升后下降的趋势,在挺柱副最大升程处摩擦系数最大。凸轮转速影响接触区实际负荷和油膜剪应变率,进而改变接触副摩擦系数;随着初始负荷的增加,最大摩擦系数逐渐减小,最小摩擦系数逐渐增大;润滑油黏度越大,摩擦系数越大;增大偏心距会影响滑滚状态从而改变摩擦系数。 |
Abstract:A custom-made oil film lubrication measurement system was used to study the friction characteristics of an eccentric cam–tappet tribo-pair under different working parameters (cam speed, initial load, lubricant viscosity and cam eccentricity). The results show that the friction coefficient increases at the first and then decreases with increasing cam angles, and reaches its maximum value when the tappet gets its maximum lift. The cam speed can change the friction coefficient of the eccentric cam-tappet tribo-pair by means of influencing the actual load and shear strain rate in the contact area. With the increase of the initial load, the maximum friction coefficient decreases and the minimum friction coefficient increases. The friction coefficient increases with the increase of lubricant viscosity. The increase of cam eccentricity changes the friction coefficient by affecting the slide-roll ratios. |
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