钟玉伟,魏超,潘明章.多次喷射策略对正戊醇-柴油混合燃料燃烧及有害排放影响的模拟研究[J].内燃机工程,2022,43(3):85-93. |
多次喷射策略对正戊醇-柴油混合燃料燃烧及有害排放影响的模拟研究 |
Simulation Study on Effects of Vultiple Injection Strategy on Combustion and Pollutant Emissions of N-Pentanol–Diesel Blended Fuel |
DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2022.03.012 |
关键词:内燃机 数值模拟 正戊醇–柴油 单次喷射 多次喷射 |
Key Words:internal combustion engine numerical simulation n-pentanol–diesel single injection multiple injection |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(22172038,51865002) |
摘要点击次数: 1406 |
全文下载次数: 846 |
摘要:为了揭示含氧燃料与喷油策略耦合对发动机燃烧、性能和排放特性影响的机制,基于三维仿真软件CONVERGE,耦合化学反应动力学机理,研究了正戊醇—柴油混合燃料在不同喷射策略下燃烧与有害排放物的生成过程。结果表明,正戊醇促进了燃烧过程,燃用正戊醇—柴油混合燃料时,缸内最高燃烧压力和燃烧放热峰值增大,发动机平均指示压力(indicated mean effective pressure, IMEP)升高,CO、总碳氢化合物(total hydrocarbons, THC)和碳烟排放降低,但NOx排放升高。采用大比例预喷射策略可以促进主喷燃烧过程,提高缸内温度,增大IMEP,但导致CO及THC排放升高,而小预喷间隔会导致碳烟排放增加。后喷射策略导致发动机IMEP降低,但可以降低NOx排放。在小后喷间隔下碳烟排放显著降低,但在大后喷间隔下碳烟排放明显升高。研究表明,正戊醇柴油混合燃料采用大预喷间隔及小后喷间隔的3次喷油策略,能够获得最高的IMEP及最低的有害物排放。 |
Abstract:In order to reveal the mechanism of the effects of coupling oxygenated fuel and injection strategy on engine combustion, performance and emission characteristics, the combustion and harmful emission generation processes of n-pentanol–diesel blended fuel under different injection strategies were studied based on the three-dimensional simulation software CONVERGE, coupled with chemical reaction kinetic mechanism. The results show that n-pentanol promotes the combustion process. When n-pentanol–diesel blended fuel was used, the maximum in-cylinder burst pressure, the peak heat release rate and the indicated mean effective pressure(IMEP) increase, while CO, total hydrocarbons(THC) and soot emissions decrease. But NOx emissions increase. In this study, a large proportional pre-injection strategy can promote the main injection combustion process, resulting in higher in-cylinder temperature and increased IMEP, but higher CO and THC emissions, while small pre-injection intervals lead to increased soot emissions. The post-injection strategy used in this study results in lower engine IMEP and lower NOx emissions. The soot emissions decrease significantly at small post-injection intervals, but increase significantly at large post-injection intervals. A three-injection strategy with large pre-injection intervals and small post-injection intervals for n-pentanol–diesel blends result in the highest IMEP and lowest harmful emissions. |
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