Research on Real-World Emission for Urban Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles Under Low Load Conditions
关键词:城市类重型柴油车  低负荷  排放  便携式排放测试系统
Key Words:urban heavy-duty diesel vehicle  low load  emission  portable emission measurement system(PEMS)
王志红* 武汉理工大学 汽车工程学院武汉 430070
武汉理工大学 现代汽车零部件技术湖北省重点实验室武汉 430070 
庞博* 武汉理工大学 汽车工程学院武汉 430070
武汉理工大学 现代汽车零部件技术湖北省重点实验室武汉 430070 
张远军 襄阳达安汽车检测中心有限公司襄阳 441004  
杜红云 襄阳达安汽车检测中心有限公司襄阳 441004  
董梦龙 武汉理工大学 汽车工程学院武汉 430070
武汉理工大学 现代汽车零部件技术湖北省重点实验室武汉 430070 
胡杰 武汉理工大学 汽车工程学院武汉 430070
武汉理工大学 现代汽车零部件技术湖北省重点实验室武汉 430070 
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摘要:应用便携式排放测试系统(portable emission measurement system, PEMS),对3辆不同类型的城市类重型柴油车分别进行实际道路行驶排放测试。试验车辆包括:邮政车、垃圾自卸车、小学专用校车。对于处在不同负荷段的数据进行分类整理,分析车辆在低负荷工况下不同负荷段的CO、NOx、颗粒物数量(particulate number, PN)的排放占比和比排放结果,并结合功基窗口法分析NOx的排放特性。试验结果表明:在低负荷工况时,尤其是负荷率处于0~20%的阶段,CO、NOx、PN的排放量占比分别达到72%~86%、60%~87%、52%~88%,且CO、NOx、PN在低负荷阶段的比排放高于或接近国六排放限值。
Abstract:Based on the portable emission measurement system(PEMS), three different types of urban heavy-duty diesel vehicles(HDDVs) were subjected to actual road emission tests. Experimental vehicles include postal vehicles, garbage dump trucks, and special school buses for elementary schools. The data in different load segments were classified and sorted out to analyze the emission proportion and specific emission results of carbon monoxide(CO), NOx, particulate number(PN) in different load segments under low load conditions, and the NOx emission characteristics were analyzed with the work-based window method. Test results show that when the engine load rate of the test vehicle is in the low load range of 0~20%, the proportions of CO, NOx and PN emissions account for 72%~86%, 60%~87% and 52%~88% respectively, and the specific emissions of CO, NOx, and PN under low load conditions are higher than or close to the China Ⅵ emission regulation.
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