Analysis and Optimization of Vehicle Shudder Caused by Engine Excitation
关键词:内燃机  纵向平顺性  传动系  模态  扭转刚度  阻尼
Key Words:internal combustion engine  longitudinal shudder  transmission system  mode  torsional stiffness  damping
李慧明* 泛亚汽车技术中心上海 201208 Huiming_Li@patac.com.cn 
韩靖 上汽商用车技术中心上海 200438  
张宏波 上汽商用车技术中心上海 200438  
刘晓伟 上汽商用车技术中心上海 200438  
摘要点击次数: 1589
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摘要:针对某多用途汽车(multi-purpose vehicles, MPV)车辆小油门加速时整车纵向振动问题,深入研究了发动机激励及传动系扭振特性对车辆瞬态加速平顺性的影响,并提出优化方法。通过搭建整车传动系纵向振动耦合模型,将实际发动机工作载荷及油门信号作为系统激励进行计算分析,从而判断振动是由转矩瞬态变化激起传动系刚体扭转模态产生;分析锁定关键影响参数并进行贡献量分析,从硬件角度提出了离合器阻尼、刚度优化,半轴扭转刚度提升等方案;同时综合平衡动力性、油耗、平顺性等性能,从软件控制策略角度提出电控单元(electronic control unit, ECU)的转矩参考滤波的方案,通过调整滤波参数使转矩输出平缓从而减少不平顺性。各项优化方案经实车验证能有效提升整车加速纵向平顺性能。
Abstract:In order to solve the longitudinal vibration problem occurred during acceleration by little throttle of a multi-purpose vehicle(MPV), researches were done on the influence of engine excitation and ness transmission torsional vibration characteristics on vehicle transient acceleration ride comfort, and optimization methods were put forward. A longitudinal vibration coupling model of the whole vehicle transmission system was built, which contained the actual engine working load and throttle signal as the system excitation. The calculation results showed that the vibration was generated by the torsional mode of the transmission system rigid body excited by the transient change of torque. The contribution of key parameters was analyzed. The schemes of clutch damping, stiffness optimization and half shaft torsional stiffness improvement were put forward from the perspective of hardware. At the same time, the scheme of electronic control unit(ECU) torque filtering was proposed from the perspective of software control strategy with the performance of power, fuel consumption and ride comfort comprehensively balanced. The torque output became smoother and the shudder feeling was reduced by adjusting the filtering parameters. The optimization schemes were verified by tests to be effective in improving the acceleration longitudinal ride performance of the whole vehicle.
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