Research on Equivalent Calculation Method of the Overall Heat Exchanger Based on Non-Uniform Flow of Heat Exchanger Units
关键词:紧凑式换热器  油冷器  跨尺度  多孔介质  数值模拟
Key Words:compact heat exchanger  oil cooler  trans-scale  porous media  numerical simulation
刘凯华* 浙江大学 动力机械及车辆工程研究所杭州 310063 21927001@zju.edu.cn 
傅佳宏 浙大城市学院 机械电子工程学系杭州 310015
浙江银轮机械股份有限公司台州 317200 
陈晓飞 中国北方发动机研究所天津 300400  
孙晓霞 中国北方车辆研究所北京 100072  
张宇 浙大城市学院 机械电子工程学系杭州 310015  
刘震涛* 浙江大学 动力机械及车辆工程研究所杭州 310063 liuzt@zju.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 2060
全文下载次数: 919
Abstract:In order to solve the problem that the overall performance of heat exchanger could hardly be simulated due to the large scale range between fin and heat exchanger and the lack of experimental data, a equivalent calculation method based on non-uniform flow of heat exchanger unit was developed. With this method, the flow and heat transfer characteristic parameters of the heat transfer unit were extracted from an oil cooler unit model by numerical simulation. Then the parameters were brought into the equivalent calculation with the whole oil cooler model simplified as porous media. Results showed that the pressure drop and capacity of the oil cooler obtained by this method were consistent with the experimental data in a wide range. The average error of heat transfer rate was 3.5% in experiment conditions. The heat transfer accuracy of the oil cooler simulation was influenced by fitting accuracy of parameters of heat transfer, which could be improved by adding simulated working conditions of the heat transfer unit.
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