Experimental Study on Soot Formation Characteristics of Pentanol/N-Dodecane Blends
关键词:戊醇  正十二烷  碳烟  定容燃烧弹
Key Words:pentanol  n-dodecane  soot  constant volume combustion chamber
钟汶君* 江苏大学 能源与动力工程学院镇江 212013 wj_zhong@ujs.edu.cn 
袁起飞 江苏大学 能源与动力工程学院镇江 212013  
相启龙 江苏大学 能源与动力工程学院镇江 212013  
颜飞斌 江苏大学 能源与动力工程学院镇江 212013  
何志霞 江苏大学 能源与动力工程学院镇江 212013
江苏大学 能源研究院镇江 212013 
王谦 江苏大学 能源与动力工程学院镇江 212013  
摘要点击次数: 1466
全文下载次数: 1001
Abstract:A visualization experimental study was carried out for pentanol/n-dodecane dual fuel in a constant volume combustion chamber utilizing high frequency background light extinction method and OH* chemiluminescence imaging method. The soot generation and combustion characteristics of the dual fuel were studied, and the influence of pentanol addition on the soot generation was explored. Results show that the addition of pentanol can significantly reduce the concentration of soot, and it can slightly delay the initial formation time and lengthen the initial formation position of soot. The characteristic of oxygen-containing has a greater effect on soot formation than that of low activity. The soot area and soot mass will increase greatly with the increase of ambient temperature. The addition of pentanol can effectively reduce the soot formation at a lower temperature, while high injection pressure must be used together to greatly reduce the soot concentration at a higher temperature.
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