Research on the Influence of a New Type of Sequential Supercharging System on the Performance of Marine Diesel Engines
关键词:柴油机  可变截面涡轮增压器  相继增压  灰色决策
Key Words:diesel engine  variable geometry turbocharger(VGT)  sequential turbocharging  grey decision
杨捷波,王彬彬,叶子枭,范金宇 1.集美大学 轮机工程学院厦门 3610212.福建省船舶与海洋工程重点实验室厦门 361021 
摘要点击次数: 1967
全文下载次数: 850
摘要:将传统定涡轮相继增压系统的主增压器替换为可变截面涡轮增压器(variable geometry turbocharger, VGT),完成VGT相继增压(sequential turbo charging, STC)系统改造及其开度控制装置设计。通过试验,研究0%、10%、25%、40%、55%、70%、85%和100%这8种开度对STC-VGT增压柴油机分别以单/双涡轮运行的性能影响建立多目标灰色决策模型,通过主客观赋权的方法计算得出单/双涡轮运行时,各研究负荷所对应的最佳VGT开度,并根据燃油经济性最优原则确定STC-VGT系统单/双涡轮切换点为50%负荷、切换开度为0%。最后,对STC-VGT系统性能进行评估。结果表明:相比原机,STC-VGT系统主增压器单独运行时动力性改善明显,NOx排放量升高,碳烟排放量降低,同时随着负荷的增加,燃油消耗率均呈现先降低后升高的趋势;系统双涡轮同时运行,当VGT开度大于70%时,动力性整体相比原机有所下降,最大降幅约为1.16MPa,NOx排放量降低,碳烟排放上升,燃油消耗率整体高于原机。该系统以各负荷最佳VGT开度运行时,燃油经济性整体优于原机,且负荷在10%~80%范围内时燃油经济性也优于传统定涡轮相继增压;同时碳烟排放性能整体优于原机和传统定涡轮相继增压,但NOx排放特性相反。柴油机采用STC-VGT系统时,动力性、经济性和碳烟排放性均得到有效提升,但NOx排放性能有所下降。
Abstract:The main supercharger of the traditional fixed-turbine sequential supercharging system was replaced with a variable geometry turbocharger(VGT), and transformation of the VGT-sequential turbo charging(STC) system and the design of the opening control device were completed. Through experiments, the effects of opening degrees of 0%, 10%, 25%, 40%, 55%, 70%, 85% and 100% on the performance of STC VGT turbocharged diesel engines running at single/twin turbocharger were studied. After that, a multi-objective gray decision model was established, and the optimal VGT opening corresponding to each research load of single/twin turbocharger was calculated through subjective and objective weighting methods, and the single/twin turbocharger of the STC-VGT system was determined according to the principle of optimal fuel economy. The switching point was 50% load, and the switching opening was 0%. Finally, the performance of the STC-VGT system was evaluated. The results show that when the STC VGT system is running at the only main supercharger, compared to the original machine, the power performance is significantly improved, NOx emissions increase, and soot emissions decrease. At the same time, as the load increases, the fuel consumption rate decreases first and then increases. When running at twin turbochargers, and the VGT opening is greater than 70%, the overall power performance is lower than that of the original machine. The maximum drop is about 1.16MPa. NOx emissions are reduced while soot emissions are increased. And the fuel consumption rate is overall higher than the original machine. When the system is operated with the best VGT opening of each load, the fuel economy is better than the original machine as a whole. And when the load is in the range of 10%~80% , it is also better than the traditional fixed-turbine successive supercharging. At the same time, the soot emission performance is better than the original engine and the traditional fixed-turbine successive supercharging, but the NOx emissions are the opposite. Therefore, the power, economy and soot emissions of diesel engines using STC-VGT systems have been effectively improved, but the NOx emission performance has declined.
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