田绍军,黎谦,常光宝,等.汽车燃油蒸发回收系统气流脉动及振动噪声试验分析[J].内燃机工程,2022,43(1):67-74. |
汽车燃油蒸发回收系统气流脉动及振动噪声试验分析 |
Experimental Analysis on Air Flow Pulsation and Vibration Noise of Automobile Fuel Evaporation Recovery System |
DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2022.01.008 |
关键词:压力脉动 速度脉动 电磁阀 占空比 气锤效应 噪声 振动 |
Key Words:pressure pulsation velocity pulsation solenoid valve duty cycle air hammer effect noise vibration |
基金项目:柳州市科技计划项目(2018AA10501);广西创新驱动发展专项资金项目(桂科AA18242034) |
摘要点击次数: 1788 |
全文下载次数: 580 |
摘要:用信号发生器产生脉冲宽度调制(pulse width modulation, PWM)信号模拟发动机电控单元驱动电磁阀运行,通过改变PWM信号频率、占空比和车辆运行工况,获得燃油蒸发回收系统不同的输出特性。分析了管容阀系统内气流脉动、结构振动和车内噪声随电磁阀控制信号变化的规律。建立了电磁阀体动力学模型,分析了电磁阀阀门受力情况,并与试验数据进行了综合分析。分析结果表明:电磁阀体振动主要由阀门关闭引起,车内敲击声来自电磁阀阀门关闭后气流脉动敲击炭罐,炭罐振动传递到车身,车身钣金振动辐射噪声。振动噪声随电磁阀PWM频率升高而增大,系统内气压波动幅值随频率升高而减小,相同占空比下,气压时均值随频率升高而增大。在电磁阀线圈两端反向并联整流二极管同时在电磁阀体进气管处设置孔板可以降低电磁阀阀门开闭运动引起的气流脉动及电磁阀和炭罐振动,消除车内敲击声。 |
Abstract:A signal generator was used to generate pulse width modulation(PWM) signal to simulate the opertion of solenoid valve driven by engine electronic control unit. Different output characteristics of fuel evaporation recovery system were obtained by changing PWM signal frequency, duty cycle and vehicle operating conditions. The variation laws of air flow pulsation, structural vibration and vehicle interior noise with the control signal of solenoid valve were analyzed. The dynamic model of solenoid valve was established. The analysis of the dynamic of solenoid valve and the comprehensive analysis with the test data were carried out. The analysis results show that the vibration of the solenoid valve is mainly caused by the closing of the valve. The knocking noise in the vehicle comes from the air pulsation knocking on the carbon canister after the solenoid valve is closed. The carbon canister vibration is transmitted to the vehicle body and the vibration of the vehicle body radiates noise. The vibration and noise increases with the increase of PWM frequency of solenoid valve, and the amplitude of air pressure fluctuation in the system decreases with the increase of frequency. Under the same duty cycle, the time average value of air pressure increases with the increase of frequency. The rectifier diodes are connected in reverse parallel at both ends of the solenoid valve coil, and the orifice plate is set at the air inlet pipe of the solenoid valve body, which can reduce the air pulsation caused by the opening and closing movement of the solenoid valve and the vibration of the solenoid valve and carbon canister, eliminating the knocking noise in the vehicle. |
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