殷勇,米娇,赵艳婷,等.基于中型柴油机的电动增压技术研究[J].内燃机工程,2022,43(1):94-100. |
基于中型柴油机的电动增压技术研究 |
Research on E-Boost Technology for Medium-Duty Diesel Engines |
DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2022.01.011 |
关键词:柴油机 电动化 混合动力 电动压气机 燃油经济性 |
Key Words:diesel engine electrification hybrid power E-boost fuel economy |
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摘要点击次数: 1870 |
全文下载次数: 761 |
摘要:基于发动机一维性能仿真模型,在某中型柴油机平台及其衍生的混动平台上开展了电动增压系统匹配方案对于整机性能影响的研究。基于柴油机平台研究了不同电动压气机布置形式对发动机性能的影响,并在基于同一柴油机升级的混合动力平台上研究了应用电动压气机的效果。结果表明:柴油机平台上,电动压气机串联布置形式优于并联式。串联前置时低速转矩提升了13%,进气量提升了44%,制动燃油消耗率(brake specific fuel consumption, BSFC)改善了12%;串联后置时转矩提升了11%,进气量提升了37%, BSFC改善了11%。混合动力发动机在功率转矩均可达到相同目标的情况下,串联后置布置形式优于串联前置,BSFC最大可优化11%,采用后置布置须另外加入中冷器,会导致成本提升。总体而言,基于混动平台的电动增压系统,不仅具有动态响应快能解决涡轮的迟滞问题的优势,而且通过优化匹配涡轮增压器和电动增压系统,可以更大程度上提升整车动力性和经济性。 |
Abstract:Based on a 1D simulation model of engine performance, the influence of the electrical boost(E-boost) system on the engine performance was studied on a medium-duty diesel engine layout of series connection and corresponding hybrid engine, respectively. The influence of different electric compressor layouts on engine performance was studied based on the diesel engine. The result showed that the layout of series connection was better than that of the parallel connection. The layout of series connection of E-boost in front of the turbocharger compressor could increase low-speed torque and air intake by 13% and 44%, respectively, and the brake specific fuel consumption(BSFC) was improved by 12%. The layout of series connection of E-boost behind the turbocharger compressor could increase low-speed torque and air intake by 11% and 37%, respectively, and the BSFC was improved by 11%. Then the influence of electric compressor on corresponding hybrid engine performance was studied. The results showed that under the condition that the power and torque of hybrid engine reached the same goal, the layout of series connection of E-boost behind the turbocharger compressor was better, and the BSFC could be optimized by 11%. The use of the rear arrangement requires an additional intercooler, which would lead to a cost increase. The results show that the E-boost system based on the hybrid engine has the advantage of fast dynamic response and can solve the hysteresis problem of the turbine. Meanwhile, it also can improve the power performance and economy of the vehicle to a greater extent by optimizing and matching the turbocharger and electric supercharging system. |
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