Research on Turbine Performance Prediction Coupled with Turbocharged Internal Combustion Engine Model
关键词:涡轮  增压发动机  一维模型  双通道  性能预测  一体化仿真
Key Words:turbine  turbocharged engine  1D model  twin-entry  performance prediction  integrative simulation
基金项目:船用低速机工程(一期)研制项目(工信部联装函[2017] 21号)
魏江山,薛颖娴,杨名洋,马泽泰,邓康耀 上海交通大学 动力机械及工程教育部重点实验室上海 200240 
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Abstract:A one-dimensional turbine performance model was investigated under real engine exhaust environment. The model is capable of performance prediction under pulsating boundary conditions and twin-entry scroll configurations. The discrepancies between experimental and simulated results were less than 20%. This turbine model was further coupled with a one-dimensional engine code and an in house engine performance prediction software was developed. The maximum discrepancy of the whole engine model was 3.5%. A joint engine-turbine design method was further developed based on this model and thus turbine geometries could be considered in the engine design process. A newly designed twin-entry turbine was coupled with the turbocharged engine. The engine power and brake specific fuel consumption could be improved by 2.7% and 1.6%.
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