Design of Bybass Valve with Equal Percentage Flow Regulation for Two-Stage Turbocharger System of Diesel Engine
关键词:两级涡轮增压系统  异型旁通阀  多截面混合阀  流场特性  调节特性
Key Words:two-stage turbocharger system  special shaped by-pass valve  multi-cross section mixing valve  characteristics of flow field  regulation characteristic
冷泠,程江华,王振彪,刘胜,石磊,邓康耀 1.上海交通大学 动力机械与工程教育部重点实验室上海 2002402. 中国北方发动机研究所天津300400 
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Abstract:Aiming at the requirement of wide range and high precision regulation characteristics of marine diesel engine two-stage turbocharging by-pass valve, the optimization design research of offset special-shaped by-pass valve disc was carried out to realize the equal percentage flow regulation characteristics, which solves the problem of low flow adjustment accuracy of universal quick-open by-pass valve. And the bypass valve with equal percentage flow characteristics can achieve consistent control parameters within the full opening range. According to the different special-shaped valve structures, the flow regulation characteristics were analyzed, and the design method of multi-cross section mixing valve was put forward. Through the flow characteristic test of various valves, the effective adjustment range of multi-cross section mixing valve was verified. The research shows that the flow characteristics of the optimized multi-cross section mixing valve are the closest to the equal percentage flow characteristics. The maximum effective relative opening is 0.73, which is 2.6 times that of the general plat by-pass valve. The gain change rate is reduced and the regulation accuracy is greatly improved. It shows that the multi-cross section mixing valve can significantly improve the regulation characteristics of the boost pressure, and can effectively and smoothly control the boost pressure of the adjustable two-stage turbocharging system.
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