Investigation on Dynamic Response of Electronically Controlled Injector for Low-Speed Marine Diesel Engines
关键词:船用低速柴油机  电控喷油器  开启响应时间  关闭响应时间  帕累托分析
Key Words:low speed marine diesel engine  electronically controlled injector  opening response time  closing response time  Pareto analysis
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51809063,51679048);中国博士后科学基金项目(2020T130140,2018M630344);黑龙江省博士后资助经费项目(LBH Z18048);船用低速机工程(一期)研制(工信部联装函[2017]21号)
兰奇,白云,范立云,文李明,方良杰,许菁 1.哈尔滨工程大学 动力与能源工程学院哈尔滨 1500012.中船动力研究院有限公司上海 200129 
摘要点击次数: 2750
全文下载次数: 1133
Abstract:A numerical model of dual valve electronically controlled injector for low-speed marine diesel engines was established based on the AMESim hydraulic simulation platform. The maximum difference between the experimental and calculated cycle injection quantity was only 3.38% and the maximum relative difference between the experimental and calculated crucial temporal index for injection pressure and the displacement of pressure amplification piston(PAP) was less than 1%, which validated the accuracy of the model. In order to analyze the dynamic response of the injector, the opening time and closing response time were defined. The influences of the structural parameters on the response characteristics of the injector were explored. And the weights of the factors influencing the response characteristics of the injector were determined through the Pareto analysis. Results show that the opening response time is in positive correlation with the diameter of the small end of PAP, the maximum needle lift, the force of tightening the needle spring and the diameter of the control chamber, and it is in negative correlation with the diameter of the big end of PAP. The weights of the factors influencing the opening response time are 8.59%, 15.74%, 4.97%, 10.88% and 9.48% respectively. The closing response time is in positive correlation with the diameter of the big end of PAP and the maximum needle lift, the influential weights of which were 7.86% and 27.33% respectively. The closing response time is in negative correlation with the diameter of the small end of PAP, the force of tightening the needle spring and the diameter of the control chamber, the influential weights of which are 6.22%, 7.29% and 7.36% respectively. Among all the interactive factors affecting the opening response time, the ones are the most significant of the interactions between the diameters of the small and big ends of PAP, between the diameter of the big end of PAP and the maximum needle lift, between the diameter of the small end of PAP and the maximum needle lift, between the diameter of the big end of PAP and the force of tightening the needle spring, and between the diameter of the small end of PAP and the force of tightening the needle spring, and the influential weights of which are 5.49%, 4.55%, 3.95%, 3.33% and 3.19% respectively. As for the closing response time, the interactive factors are crucial of the interactions between the maximum needle lift and the diameter of the control chamber, between the diameters of the big end of PAP and the control chamber, among the maximum needle lift and the diameters of the big end of PAP and the control chamber, between the diameter of the big end of PAP and the maximum needle lift, and between the force of tightening the needle spring and the diameter of the control chamber, and the influential weights of which are 5.02%, 3.60%, 3.46%, 3.39% and 3.17% respectively.
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