Research on Closed Loop Combustion Control Strategy of Marine Diesel Engine Based on Pressure in Cylinder
关键词:船用柴油机  缸压  燃烧  闭环控制策略
Key Words:marine diesel engine  cylinder pressure  combustion  closed loop control strategy
欧顺华,余永华,胡闹,杨建国 1.武汉理工大学 能源与动力工程学院武汉 430063 2.武汉理工大学 船舶动力工程技术交通行业重点实验室武汉 430063 3.武汉理工大学 船舶与海洋工程动力系统国家工程实验室武汉 430063 
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摘要:针对柴油机全寿命过程中动力性下降及各缸工作不均匀的问题,以MAN 6L16/24型船用柴油机为研究对象,模拟因各缸喷油器老化而引起柴油机动力性下降和各缸工作不均匀,对比分析开环、转速闭环和燃烧闭环等不同控制策略改善柴油机动力性、工作均匀性的效果及动态控制性能,针对燃烧闭环控制转速滞后较大的问题,提出转速-燃烧闭环协同控制策略,分析了该控制策略对轨压波动和进气流道阻塞干扰因素的鲁棒性。仿真结果表明,协同控制策略可有效改善柴油机各缸工作不均匀现象,提升转速响应速度。
Abstract:To address the issue of power reduction and cylinder-to-cylinder inhomogeneity throughout the entire life cycle of a diesel engine, injector aging was simulated by taking a MAN 6L16/24 marine diesel engine as the research object. The performance improvement in terms of engine power, cylinder-to-cylinder homogeneity and dynamic control was compared with different control strategies of open-loop map, closed-loop speed and closed-loop combustion. Considering the large hysteresis in the speed response of closed-loop combustion control, a cooperative control strategy of the combination of the closed-loop speed control and the closed-loop combustion control was proposed. The robustness of the cooperative control strategy against common rail pressure fluctuation and intake port obstruction was simulated and analyzed. It is shown that the proposed cooperative control strategy is effective to reduce cylinder-to-cylinder inhomogeneity and acquire fast speed response.
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