Development and Validation of Multi-Component Surrogate for Heavy Fuel Oil
关键词:船用重油  模型燃料  流动反应器  氧化特性  骨架机理
Key Words:heavy fuel oil  surrogate fuel  flow reactor  oxidation property  skeletal mechanism
朱磊,李昂,张真英男,黄震 上海交通大学 动力机械与工程教育部重点实验室上海 200240 
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Abstract:In order to reproduce combustion properties of heavy fuel oil, a multi component surrogate was proposed based on the chemical deconstruction method. The multi-component surrogate consisted of n-tetradecane, farnesane, tetralin and n-decylbenzene to characterize n-alkanes, iso-alkanes, cyclo-alkanes and aromatics in the target fuel, respectively. Besides, the optimal proportions of surrogate components were determined by the weighted Euclidean distance algorithm. Point-to-point validations of oxidation properties of the multi-component surrogate at low and intermediate temperatures were experimentally conducted in a flow reactor. The multi-component surrogate successfully reproduced the changing profiles of the concentrations of typical reactants, intermediates and products with temperature. Based on the decoupling methodology, a skeletal mechanism for the multi-component surrogate was proposed and developed. The mechanism effectively predicted the oxidation property of heavy residual fuel oil at low and intermediate temperatures. According to the sensitivity analyses based on the skeletal mechanism, elementary reactions relates to large n-alkane contributed a lot to soot formation in the combustion of heavy fuel oil. Besides, according to the results in a visual constant volume combustion chamber, the multi-component surrogate well predictes the spray and combustion process in engine-relevant conditions.
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