郑尊清,毛一玲,刘腾,刘博,叶映,刘海峰.预燃室式柴油 — 天然气双燃料船用发动机热效率优化燃烧控制策略仿真研究[J].内燃机工程,2020,41(6):19-28.
预燃室式柴油 — 天然气双燃料船用发动机热效率优化燃烧控制策略仿真研究
Simulation Study on Improving Thermal Efficiency of Diesel/Natural Gas Dual Fuel Marine Engine
关键词:船用二冲程发动机  双燃料  热效率  压缩比  引燃柴油
Key Words:two stroke marine engine  dual fuel  thermal efficiency  compression ratio  pilot diesel
郑尊清,毛一玲,刘腾,刘博,叶映,刘海峰 1.天津大学 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室天津 3000722.中船动力研究院有限公司上海 200120 
摘要点击次数: 3986
全文下载次数: 1414
Abstract:The three dimensional computational fluid dynamics(CFD) model for a diesel/natural gas dual fuel marine two stroke pre chamber engine was established by using a new generation of thermal fluid analysis software(CONVERGE), and the effect of compression ratio, pilot diesel mass, injection pressure and injection angle on combustion process was studied to improve the thermal efficiency of the engine. Results show that increasing compression ratio can enhance maximum burst pressure in the cylinder, thus effectively improving thermal efficiency. However, due to the limitation of the mechanical strength of the engine, a better effect can be obtained when the compression ratio is 12.5. Properly increasing the amount of pilot diesel and the injection pressure can increase the ignition point of jet flame and promote the enhancement of ignition energy, which is beneficial to improve thermal efficiency. Adjusting the injection angle of pilot diesel to inject it into the CH4-rich area can achieve a better pilot effect and therefore reduce fuel consumption. In short, increasing the compression ratio, combined with delayed pilot injection has a more obvious effect on improving thermal efficiency.
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