李敬瑞, 王解托, 刘海峰, 刘腾, 董晶瑾, 尧命发.天然气后喷对高压直喷天然气船机燃烧和排放的影响研究[J].内燃机工程,2020,41(6):1-10.
Influence of Natural Gas Post Injection Strategies on Combustion and Emissions of High Pressure Direct Injection Marine Natural Gas Engines
关键词:引燃喷射  高压直喷  天然气  碳烟  后喷
Key Words:pilot injection  high pressure direct injection  natural gas  soot  post injection
李敬瑞, 王解托, 刘海峰, 刘腾, 董晶瑾, 尧命发 1.天津大学 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室天津 3000722.中船动力研究院有限公司上海 200120 
摘要点击次数: 2663
全文下载次数: 1453
Abstract:Using a new generation of thermal fluid analysis software(CONVERGE), the three dimensional computational fluid dynamics(CFD) model for high pressure direct injection marine natural gas engines was developed to study the effect of natural gas post injection strategies on engine combustion and emissions. Results show that the rise in post injection ratio slightly increases the maximum combustion pressure coupled with the extension of combustion duration. Increasing the interval between the main injection and post injection would delay the post injection combustion phase, and extend the combustion duration, while the maximum combustion pressure remains unchanged. Compared with the operation without natural gas post injection, increasing the proportion of post injection to 10% and 20%, respectively can reduce soot emissions by 7.7%~13.5% and 1.5%~11.5% with an increase of NOx emissions by 12.0%~15.0% and 5.0%~7.0% and an increase of indicated specific fuel consumption by about 0.1% and 1.0%. However, increasing the proportion of post injection to 30% obtains a strong increase of soot emissions by 2.0%~8.0% with a reduction of NOx emissions by 5.0%~7.7% and an increase of indicated specific fuel consumption by approximately 2.3%.
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