Fatigue Life Prediction and Damage Evolution Analysis of Marine Diesel Engine Pistons
关键词:活塞  热机耦合  寿命预测  损伤演化
Key Words:piston  thermomechanical coupling  life prediction  damage evolution
王浩宇,徐建安,曲东越 哈尔滨工程大学 机电工程学院哈尔滨 150001 
摘要点击次数: 2692
全文下载次数: 1170
Abstract:In order to solve the problems such as piston crown burning and cracking in the actual operation of marine diesel engines, a finite element method was used to perform the thermomechanical coupling simulation analysis of the stress field and temperature field of a piston under the combined action of periodic burst pressure, inertial force and thermal stress. These analysis results were then inputted into a BASIC module of the fatigue analysis software(FEMAFT) to analyze the safety factor of each part of the piston for finding areas prone to fatigue failure, and the fatigue life of the piston was predicted according to the linear fatigue cumulative failure rate criterion(Miner). Then, the fatigue damage accumulation theory(Aeran) was used to analyze the fatigue failure process of the piston under thermomechanical coupling conditions. And from this, an accelerated fatigue model of the piston under different loads was established to determine the relationship between the number of piston operating cycles and the piston damage evolution.
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