Study on Precise Measurement Method of Multiple Injection Fuel Injection Rate
关键词:柴油喷射  多次喷射  喷油率测量  Zeuch容积法  微孔板滤波
Key Words:diesel injection  multiple injections  injection rate measurement  Zeuch volume method  micro-perforated plate filtering
李先南,赵豪,梅齐昊,刘龙,平涛,苏丹丹 1.中国船舶集团有限公司第七一一研究所上海 2011082.哈尔滨工程大学 动力与能源工程学院哈尔滨 150001 
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Abstract:Precise measurement method was studied to solve the interference of the injection rate measurement from the high frequency wave caused by the previous injection. Based on the Zeuch theory and the principle of micro-perforated plate filtering, the law of shock oscillation in the chamber was investigated, and a measurement chamber with the inner micro perforated plate was proposed. The analysis of three dimensional acoustic field simulation was performed for the proposed measurement chamber. The noise reduction effects from 7000Hz~9000Hz on different plate structure were compared and analyzed. Results showed that the maximum noise reduction capability of the measurement cavity was about 170% of the original device. Simultaneously, the fuel injection rate measurement method with hole plate filter structure was developed. The new approach is able to reduce the high frequency interference shock wave oscillation effectively in measurement chamber for fuel injection rate.
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