Model build-up and numerical simulation of hydrogen manufacturing by reprocessing methyl ether water vapor
关键词:二甲醚  水蒸气重整  制氢  反应器  数值模拟
Key Words:Dimethyl ether  Steam reforming  Hydrogen production.Reactor  The numerical simulation
基金项目:国家自然基金项目编号 ZX201606000006
王庆武* 上海工程技术大学 1196378471@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 2650
全文下载次数: 1156
Abstract:With the increasing energy problems in the world, hydrogen energy, as a kind of efficient and clean energy, is particularly important for the research of fuel cell.In this paper, the process of hydrogen production by steam reforming of dimethyl ether is studied. A reforming reactor with heat insulation jacket, tile heating channel and catalytic reaction bed is designed.The effects of temperature of reaction gas, molar ratio of water vapor to dimethyl ether and reactor structure parameters on the conversion rate of dimethyl ether, the yield of H2, and the content of H2 and C02 at the reactor outlet were studied experimentally.The mathematical model and power model of the reactor were established, and the COMSOL software was used to simulate the reactor.The simulation results show the mass distribution of each component, the conversion rate of dimethyl ether and the hydrogen productionrate under different temperature and water ether molar ratio.These simulation results provide useful data to promote the design and operation of micro catalytic reforming bed reactor.
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