Optimization Study on Key Parameters Influencing Friction and Slap Characteristics of Pistons
关键词:活塞  敲击能  摩擦损失  响应面  多目标优化
Key Words:piston  slap energy  friction loss  response surface  multi-objective optimization
杨靖,吴杰,张勇,陶文祝,范相彬,解鹏 1. 重庆理工大学 车辆工程学院重庆 4000542. 重庆理工大学 汽车零部件先进制造技术教育部重点实验室重庆 400054 
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Abstract:As friction,wear and slap of pistons has adverse impact on the comprehensive performance of the engine, the early abnormal wear phenomenon of a small gasoline engine piston was studied. By building a dynamics simulation model of piston, the impact factors of slapping and friction were analyzed. A method of optimizing the key influencing parameters of piston friction and slap characteristics by using response surface model is proposed. To improve piston friction and slap characteristics, the multi-objective optimization model is established by taking piston profile, cylinder clearance, piston pin offset and crankshaft offset as optimization design variables, and taking the minimum value of kinetic energy peak value and the minimum friction loss as optimization objectives. The optimization results show that the optimized design parameter matching can reduce the friction loss of piston group by 9.13% and the maximum slap energy by 29.20% under the maximum torque condition of the studied engine. Finally, the bench test is carried out in the optimized prototype. The test results show that the engine power, torque and mechanical efficiency averagely increase by 2.37%, 2.54% and 2.06% respectively, while the fuel consumption rate decreases by 1.19% on average and the wear condition of the piston was improved.
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