Influence of Laser Energy and Phosphorescent Coating Parameters on Laser-Induced Phosphorescence Temperature Measurement Technology
关键词:磷光测温技术  CMOS高速成像  激光能量  涂层厚度  混合比
Key Words:phosphor thermometry  CMOS high-speed photography  laser energy  coating thickness  mixing ratio
谢思瑜,李铁,黄帅,马鹏飞,依平 1.上海交通大学 海洋工程国家重点实验室上海 201100 2.高新船舶与深海开发装备协同创新中心上海 201100 
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Abstract:The CMOS high-speed photography was used to build a two-dimensional laser-induced phosphorescence temperature measurement system, and a calibration experiment was conducted. The effects of laser energy, mixing ratio between MFG and binder and coating thickness on the decay time of Mg3F2GeO4:Mn (MFG) were studied. The results show that when the temperature of coating exceeds the quenching point, the MFG decay period extends with the coating thickness, and the difference of the MFG decay extension of different coating thicknesses enlarges with the temperature. The excitation energy in the range of 0.3~11.0mJ can excite the MFG phosphorescence. And the level of the excitation energy has a little influence on the MFG decay time, so dose the MFG mixing ratio. However, a properly diluted MFG responds quickly at low temperatures and exists longer at high temperatures. This is a preferred feature for the temperature measurement in complex environments like combustion chamber.
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