张际洲,颜伏伍,陈子逸,王宇.正丁醇/柴油发动机燃烧排放特性及喷油、燃烧室形状影响[J].内燃机工程,2021,42(2):23-30. |
正丁醇/柴油发动机燃烧排放特性及喷油、燃烧室形状影响 |
Combustion and Emissions Characteristics of N-Butanol/Diesel Engine and Impact of Injection Strategy and Combustion Chamber Geometry |
DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2021.02.004 |
关键词:正丁醇 多次喷油 燃烧室几何形状 燃烧 排放 计算流体力学仿真 柴油机 |
Key Words:n-butanol multiple injections combustion chamber geometry combustion emission computational fluid dynamics simulation diesel engine |
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC0211201);移动源污染排放控制技术国家工程实验室开放基金项目(NELM2018A11) |
摘要点击次数: 3110 |
全文下载次数: 1215 |
摘要:针对某型号直喷柴油机,建立了该柴油机中单缸完整燃烧室及气道三维模型,使用三维计算流体力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)分析软件CONVERGE对其进行模拟计算,研究了正丁醇掺混比例对柴油机燃烧排放的影响。结果表明:随着正丁醇掺混比例的提高,峰值缸压、滞燃期和燃烧速度均呈递增趋势,碳烟及CO排放量逐渐减少,NOx 排放量小幅增加。为了进一步改善缸内燃烧情况和降低污染物排放,对正丁醇掺混时喷油策略、燃烧室几何形状的综合影响进行了研究,结果表明:掺混时多次喷油及采用合适的燃烧室模型可以有效改善掺混后缸内油气混合情况,增加缸内湍动能强度,进一步降低碳烟排放量。与纯柴油工况对比,掺混并采用多次喷油策略后碳烟排放明显下降,且通过掺混能够有效简化喷油策略,但弱化了燃烧室形状对碳烟排放量的影响。 |
Abstract:Based on a certain type of direct injection diesel engine, a three-dimensional model of a complete single-cylinder combustion chamber with intake and exhaust ports was established. The three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis software CONVERGE was used to simulate the spray, combustion and emissions of the engine. The effect of n-butanol blending ratio on the combustion and emissions of the diesel engines was studied. The results showed that with the increase of the n-butanol blending ratio, the peak cylinder pressure, ignition delay and combustion rate increase, the soot and carbon monoxide emissions gradually reduce, and the nitrogen oxides emissions slightly increase. In order to further improve the combustion and reduce the pollutant emissions of the engine fueled with n-butanol/diesel blended fuel, the combined effects of fuel injection strategy and combustion chamber geometry were studied. The results show that for an engine fueled with the blended fuel, multiple injection and suitable combustion chamber geometry can effectively improve the mixture in the cylinder, increase the turbulent kinetic energy in the cylinder, and further reduce the emissions of soot. Compared with pure diesel fuel, the blended fuel enables multiple injection to further lower soot emissions and simplifies fuel injection strategy, but it weakens the effect of combustion chamber geometry on the soot emissions. |
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