Altitude Adaptability of a Turbocharged Off Road Diesel Engine
关键词:非道路柴油机  高原特性  可调两级增压  功率恢复
Key Words:off road diesel engine  altitude characteristics  regulated two stage turbocharging  power recovery
黄粉莲,雷基林,宋国富,申立中,毕玉华,姜开誉 昆明理工大学 云南省内燃机重点实验室昆明 650500 
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摘要:为改善非道路柴油机高海拔条件下功率下降、经济性及排放性能恶化、高速增压器超速等问题,利用柴油机高原环境模拟台架试验结合一维仿真研究了0~4000m海拔环境下增压器运行特性、柴油机综合性能参数等随海拔高度的变化规律及影响机理。针对柴油机的变海拔性能恢复目标,通过对增压系统进行参数计算和选配,提出一种带有废气旁通阀的两级涡轮增压匹配方案。研究结果表明:变海拔条件下,非道路柴油机各性能参数呈现非线性变化,在转速 800~2800r/min全负荷工况下,柴油机动力性、经济性变化梯度呈现出先减小后增大的“浴盆形”趋势。在0~2000m海拔环境下,柴油机转矩降幅达4.3%,有效燃油消耗率降幅达6%。随着海拔升高,中冷前温度与涡前温度逐渐升高,增压压力与涡前压力逐渐降低,CO、全碳氢和NOx排放升高。匹配两级增压系统后,对比原机4000m海拔运行工况,柴油机功率平均升高14.9%,有效燃油消耗率平均降低11.8%,实现了非道路柴油机的高海拔性能恢复目标。
Abstract:To enhance the operating performance of an off road diesel engine in plateau conditions,the engine power, fuel consumption and emission characteristics working at different conditions and altitudes were studied by a bench test. Then the simulations with GT-POWER software were carried out to understand the impacts of altitude on the operation characteristics of turbocharging system. The mechanisms of performance deterioration at high altitude conditions were analyzed in detail. Aiming to the performance recovery of diesel engine at high altitudes, a regulated two stage turbocharging system with exhaust bypass valve was matched with the engine through the parameters calculation. The research results showed that altitude significantly affected the performance of the off road diesel engine. At the engine speeds between 800r/min and 2800r/min, a significant reduction in engine torque and a very important increase in the brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) were achieved with the rise of altitudes. As the altitude increased from 0 m to 2000m, the engine power dropped as much as more than 4.3%, and the BSFC increased as much as more than 6%. At high altitude conditions, the intake manifold boost pressure and the exhaust manifold pressure both declined sharply while the intake and exhaust manifold temperatures both increased, and the emissions of total hydrocarbon (THC), carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) increased remarkably. Compared to the single stage turbocharging, the engine power was improved by 14.9% and the brake specific fuel consumption was reduced by 11.8% at 4000m altitude with a regulated two stage turbocharging system. A method of optimized turbocharged diesel engine matching for altitude adaptability was obtained.
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