Experimental Study on the Influence of Fuel Injection Characteristics on Emissions of a Supercharged Direct Injection Gasoline Engine
关键词:增压直喷汽油机  碳烟排放  喷油时刻  喷油模式  喷油比例  喷油压力
Key Words:turbocharged direct injection gasoline engine  soot emission  injection timing  injection mode  injection ratio  injection pressure
凌青海,杨新桦,陈红玲,陶文祝,罗贤芳,栗波 1.重庆理工大学 汽车零部件先进制造技术教育部重点实验室重庆 4000542.重庆小康动力有限公司重庆 401220 
摘要点击次数: 4052
全文下载次数: 1681
Abstract:Using the test matching method, the influence of key fuel injection parameters, such as fuel injection mode, injection timing, fuel injection ratio, and injection pressure on soot emissions was studied on a test bench with a 1.5L turbocharged direct injection gasoline engine. The test results show that for the single injection mode, the earlier the injection at part load, the more the soot emissions. At full load, the later the injection, the more the soot emissions. In the multiple injection mode, with the delay of first injection, soot emissions decrease, and with the delay of second and third injections, soot emissions increase. Increasing the injection pressure will not obviously improve the combustion and emissions under part load conditions, but will significantly reduce the soot and total hydrocarbon emissions under mapping conditions, and with the acceleration of combustion process in the cylinder and the improvement of combustion stability, brake specific fuel consumption will be reduced by approximately 2%.
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