袁泉,王晓艳,纪宏波,陈晓平.柴油机排气歧管热机疲劳失效仿真研究[J].内燃机工程,2020,41(3):87-92. |
柴油机排气歧管热机疲劳失效仿真研究 |
Simulation Study of Thermomechanical Fatigue Failure of Diesel Exhaust Manifold |
DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2020.03.012 |
关键词:排气歧管 热机疲劳 仿真分析 柴油机 |
Key Words:exhaust manifold thermomechanical fatigue simulation analysis diesel engine |
基金项目:宁波市自然科学基金(2018A610044) |
摘要点击次数: 4110 |
全文下载次数: 1718 |
摘要:针对某6缸重型柴油机排气歧管热机疲劳裂纹故障,采用仿真分析的手段对其失效机理进行了相关研究。研究表明:排气歧管在热机工况下,管身主要承受压应力作用,部分区域由于压应力过大发生塑性变形,在冷机工况时由于发生塑性变形的区域不能自由恢复至原状态,应力状态由压应力转化为拉应力,在这种反复拉压应力作用下发生疲劳失效。排气歧管的热机疲劳寿命采用基于Sehitoglu的热机疲劳理论进行了预测评估。 |
Abstract:In view of the cracking of the exhaust manifold of a six-cylinder heavy duty diesel engine, the failure mechanism was studied by simulation analysis. Results show that under high load operating conditions, the pipe body is plastically deformed due to compressive stress, while under low load operatingconditions, the plastic deformation area cannot be restored to its original state in time and is instead subjected to tensile stress. Under the repeated action of such compressive and tensile stresses, fatigue cracks will occur in the pipe body. To this end, the Sehitoglu thermomechanical fatigue(TMF) theory is used to predict the life of the exhaust manifold. |
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