Study of Aerodynamic Noise of a Diesel Turbocharger Compressor Based on Acoustic Finite Element Method
关键词:增压器  压气机  气动噪声  声学有限元  船用柴油机
Key Words:turbocharger  compressor  aerodynamic noise  acoustic finite element method  marine diesel engine
刘扬,刘晨,陈世凡,申华 1.重庆江增船舶重工有限公司重庆 4022632.哈尔滨工程大学 动力与能源工程学院哈尔滨 150001 
摘要点击次数: 3375
全文下载次数: 1759
Abstract:In order to study the aerodynamic noise of a marine low-speed diesel turbocharger compressor, a hybrid calculation method of the computational fluid dynamics(CFD) and acoustic finite element method(FEM) was used to predict it, and verified by bench test. The unsteady flow field in the compressor was calculated under three different operating conditions, where the pressure fluctuation was used as a noise source in the acoustic simulation. Results indicate that the hybrid calculation method has a higher calculation accuracy and can be used for numerical prediction of the compressor's aerodynamic noise. Moreover, the main components of aerodynamic noise at the compressor inlet include discrete tonal noise and broadband noise. As observed, the discrete tonal noise exhibits an obvious acoustic directivity at blade passing frequency(BPF) and has two prominent peaks.
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