Modeling and Experimental Verification of Transient Liquid Penetration of Diesel Evaporating Spray
关键词:柴油机  蒸发喷雾  液相贯穿距模型  喷射初期  定容燃烧弹
Key Words:diesel engine  evaporating spray  liquid penetration model  initial stage of injection  constant volume combustion vessel
周昕毅,李铁,王宁 1.上海交通大学 海洋工程国家重点实验室上海 200240 2.高新船舶与深海开发装备协同创新中心上海 200240 
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Abstract:Considering the fuel pressure building process inside the nozzle sac, a model suitable for the liquid penetration at the initial stage of fuel injection was derived. Then, in the high-temperature and high-pressure environment near the top dead center of a diesel engine built in a constant volume combustion vessel, the effects of the injection pressure, ambient temperature and density on the development process of evaporating spray liquid penetration were tested by using diffused back-illumination method, and compared with the simulation calculation. Results show that at the initial stage of fuel injection, the liquid penetration does not change linearly with the time of t as predicted by Hiroyasu model, but first presents an acceleration process that varies with the time of t1.5 and then changes with the time of t0.75 and t0.5, respectively, due to the spray breakage and fuel pressure built up in the nozzle sac.
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