高以康,张新塘,徐 达.内河船舶LNG发动机-蓄电池混合动力系统性能仿真[J].内燃机工程,2020,41(1):42-48. |
内河船舶LNG发动机-蓄电池混合动力系统性能仿真 |
Performance Simulation of LNG Engine-Battery Hybrid Power System for Inland Ship |
DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2020.01.006 |
关键词:天然气发动机 混合动力 调速性能 经济性和排放性 |
Key Words:liquefied natural gas engine hybrid power speed regulation performance sconomic and emission |
基金项目:企,事业单位委托项目 |
摘要点击次数: 3726 |
全文下载次数: 1778 |
摘要:为改善船舶天然气发动机动力系统调速性能,提高内河液化天然气燃料动力船舶的操纵性及安全性,提出构建天然气发动机-蓄电池混合动力系统。分别针对液化天然气发动机动力系统及混合动力系统建立MATLAB/simulink仿真模型,并实现了船舶起动和变负荷过程。然后对两种仿真系统的仿真结果进行分析,结果表明:采用该混合动力系统的船舶变负荷过程航速变化区间变大,并且系统达到稳定时间缩短,采用设计的控制策略,天然气的消耗最大降低量为19.6%、NOX、CO、HC三种排放物最大降低量分别为22.1%、18.5%、23.6%。 |
Abstract:In order to improve the speed regulation performance of marine natural gas engine power system and improve the maneuverability and safety of inland liquefied natural gas fuel powered ships, it is proposed to construct natural gas engine-battery hybrid power system. The MATLAB/simulink simulation model was established for the liquefied nat-ural gas engine power system and hybrid system, and the ship starting and changing load process was realized. Then the simulation results of the two simulation systems are analyzed. The variation range of ship speed in the process of changing load with the hybrid power system becomes larger., and the stabilization time of the system is shortened. The maximum reduction of natural gas consumption was 19.6%, and the maximum reductions of NOX, CO, and HC emissions were 22.1%, 18.5%, and 23.6%. |
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