Study on Design and Application of a Catalyzed Gasoline Particulate Filter
关键词:汽油缸内直喷  催化型汽油机颗粒过滤捕集器  气固两相污染物  颗粒物  捕集效率
Key Words:gasoline direct injection(GDI)  catalyzed gasoline particulate filter(CGPF)  gaseous solid pollutants  particulate matter  filtration efficiency
杨冬霞,夏文正,袁新波,宁平,冯丰,贺小昆 1.昆明理工大学 环境科学与工程学院昆明 650093 2.昆明贵研催化剂有限责任公司 贵金属催化技术与应用国家-地方联合工程实验室昆明 650106 
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摘要:基于某市售1.6 L汽油缸内直喷(GDI)发动机轿车,进行底盘式汽油机颗粒过滤捕集器(GPF)/催化型汽油机颗粒过滤捕集器(CGPF)设计和性能研究,研究了不同涂覆量、涂覆工艺和贵金属含量设计对GPF/CGPF催化剂冷流背压、涂层形貌的影响,从而设计出低背压CGPF催化剂样品。通过对配备有国六标定系统的GDI汽油车进行系列全球统一轻型车测试循环(WLTC)工况排放试验,分别考察了加装底盘式GPF、CGPF及不同贵金属载量CGPF对尾气后处理排放的影响,并与采用原装紧密耦合式三效催化剂(TWC)时的排放性能进行对比分析。结果表明,加装GPF或CGPF配置,会对造成排气系统背压提升,但油耗变化不大;采用紧耦合式TWC+底盘式GPF/CGPF后处理集成净化系统,可有效解决单TWC布局下颗粒物数量(PN)超标问题;使用CGPF可在保证颗粒物捕集效果同时,较好发挥对气态污染物的处理作用,并使各个指标满足国六b排放要求;使用CGPF的催化剂后处理系统进行多次WLTC工况预处理运行,可有效提升其对颗粒物的捕集能力,使PN捕集效率从76.38%跃升至97.00%。
Abstract:The design and application of an underfloor gasoline particulate filter(GPF) and catalyzed gasoline particulate filter(CGPF) were carried out on a 1.6 litre, direct injection gasoline sedan. The effect of different wash-coat loadings, coating processes and precious metal contents on the cold flow back pressure and coating morphology of the GPF and CGPF systems were studied, and a low back pressure CGPF sample was designed accordingly. Through the worldwide harmonized light vehicles test cycle(WLTC) for gasoline vehicles according to the requirements of CN6 emission regulation, the effect of the underfloor GPF, CGPF and different precious metal contents on exhaust aftertreatment systems were investigated, respectively, by comparing with the emission performance of original close-coupled three-way catalytic converter. Results show that the addition of underfloor GPF or CGPF system downstream of the three-way catalytic converter increases the exhaust back pressure, but does not significantly increase the fuel consumption, which can effectively solve the problem of excessive PN caused by using three-way catalytic converter alone. At the same time, the use of CGPF system can better remove gaseous pollutants while ensuring particulate filtration efficiency, and make various emission indicators meet the requirements specified in CN6 emission regulation. Besides, Preconditioning of the CGPF system according to the WLTC procedure can effectively improve its particulate trapping ability, resulting in an increase of particulate filtration efficiency from 76.38% to 97.00%.
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