施蕴曦,蔡忆昔,朱磊,陈祎,赵闯,王为凯.柴油机颗粒过滤器工作过程中捕集颗粒物的试验研究[J].内燃机工程,2019,40(6):24-29. |
柴油机颗粒过滤器工作过程中捕集颗粒物的试验研究 |
Experimental Study on Particle Trapping Characteristics of Diesel Particulate Filter |
DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2019.06.004 |
关键词:柴油机颗粒过滤器 颗粒物 粒径 捕集 |
Key Words:diesel particulate filter(DPF) partulate matter particle size trapping |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51806085,51676089);中国博士后科学基金项目(2018M642175);江苏省博士后科研资助计划项目(2018K101C);江苏大学“青年英才培育计划”项目 |
摘要点击次数: 3022 |
全文下载次数: 1701 |
摘要:对柴油机颗粒过滤器(diesel particulate filter, DPF)进行了颗粒物(particulate matter, PM)在线捕集试验。通过发动机废气排放颗粒物粒径谱仪EEPS-3090分析了DPF对不同粒径PM的捕集特性;通过扫描电镜仪和热重分析仪探究了DPF前后端PM的堆积形貌及氧化特性。研究结果表明:DPF对大粒径颗粒物的捕集效果优于小粒径颗粒物,聚集态颗粒物基本被DPF完全拦截;DPF孔道过滤壁面的深层碳烟减小了微孔孔径,随着采样时间的增加,DPF对PM的捕集率升高。柴油机排气流经DPF后,逃逸出少量PM,以核态颗粒物为主。与DPF前端相比,后端PM的挥发性组分含量升高,元素碳的含量下降,氧化活性增强。 |
Abstract:An on-line particle trapping test was carried out with a diesel particulate filter(DPF). The trapping characteristics of the DPF for different particle size were analyzed by using an exhaust particle size spectrometer. The stacking morphology and oxidation characteristics of the particles at the front and rear ends of the DPF were investigated by scanning electron microscope and thermo gravimetric analyzer. Results show that the DPF captures large size particles better than small size particles, and can almost completely intercept accumulation mode particles. Since the soot on the filter wall reduces the filter pore size, the trapping efficiency of the DPF increases with the rise of sampling time, with only a small amount of nucleation mode particles leaked off. Use of the DPF can lead to an increase in the content of volatile components coupled to the reduction of elemental carbon content, and eventually promotes the enhanced oxidation activity downstream of its outlet. |
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