Multi-Objective Optimization Design of Starting Time and Peak Speed of a Three Cylinder Gasoline Engine
关键词:起动时间  起动峰值转速  最优拉丁超立方  椭球基神经网络  带精英策略的非支配排序的遗传算法
Key Words:starting time  starting peak speed  optimal Latin hypercube design  method  ellipsoid-based neural network model  non-dominated  sorting genetic algorithm II
陈孔武,陈永全,刘仁龙,李儒龙,丁济凡,李仕成 东风汽车集团有限公司技术中心武汉 430000 
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摘要:为提高某3缸汽油机起动工况的快速起动性及满足峰值转速要求,基于最优拉丁超立方设计方法和椭球基神经网络(ellipsoid-based neural network model, EBFNN)模型建立起动油压阈值、起动喷油加浓因子、起动点火提前角偏移及起动平均指示压力偏移等起动控制参数与起动时间、起动峰值转速的关系,并用20组样本数据验证EBFNN模型的准确性;结合带精英策略的非支配排序的遗传算法(non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II, NSGA-II对起动时间和起动峰值转速进行优化。优化结果表明:起动时间缩短20.29%;起动峰值转速提高1.93%,大于目标怠速300~500 r/min。优化后全碳氢、CO、颗粒数排放增加量少于10%,NOx排放降低3.2%,油耗降低16.60%,能很好地满足开发要求。
Abstract:In order to improve the starting performance of a 3-cylinder gasoline engine and meet the requirements of peak speed, according to the optimal Latin hypercube design method and the ellipsoid-based neural network model(EBFNN), the relationship among starting time, peak speed and starting control parameters, such as starting fuel pressure threshold and starting fuel injection enrichment factor was established. The accuracy of the ECFNN model was verified by 20 sets of sample data, and the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm Ⅱ(NSGA-Ⅱ)was used to optimize starting time and peak speed. Optimization results show that the starting time is reduced by 20.29%, and the starting peak speed is increased by 1.93%, which is 300~500 r/min larger than the target idle speed. After optimization, the increase of THC, CO and PN is less than 10%, while NOx is reduced by 3.2% coupled to the reduction of fuel consumption of 16.60%, which can well meet the development requirements of the prototype.
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