Effects of Diluent Gases on Constant Volume Premixed Combustion of Mixture of Natural Gas and Dissociated Methanol
关键词:燃烧压力  爆炸指数  临界半径  天然气  甲醇裂解气
Key Words:combustion pressure  explosion index  critical radius  natural gas   dissociated methanol
曾东建,朱震南,左子农,暴秀超,韩志强 1.西华大学 流体及动力机械教育部重点实验室成都 610039 2.天津大学 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室天津 300072 
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摘要:用H2、CO体积比为2∶1的混合气来模拟甲醇裂解气(dissociated methanol, DM),在温度343 K、压力0.3 MPa的条件下基于燃烧压力、最高燃烧压力、爆炸指数及临界半径等参数研究了CH4(60%)-DM(40%)预混气在添加稀释气体(N2、CO2)后的燃烧的变化情况。在不添加稀释气体的条件下,进行了同样初始温度和压力下的天然气(100%/60%/20%)甲醇裂解气(0%/40%/80%)-空气预混燃烧的对比试验。结果表明:甲醇裂解气能加快压力上升,促进燃烧,缩短燃烧持续期,加速火焰胞状结构的出现,但在化学计量比及附近会降低最高燃烧压力;稀释气体则有降低最高燃烧压力和爆炸指数等抑制燃烧的作用,其中CO2对燃烧的抑制作用强于N2。
Abstract:A mixture of H2 and CO in volume ratio of two to one was used to simulate dissociated methanol(DM). The combustion of pre-mixture of natural gas(60%) and DM(40%) with diluent gases N2 and CO2 was analyzed at the initial temperature of 343 K and the initial pressure of 0.3 MPa in terms of combustion pressure, the maximum combustion pressure, explosion index and critical radius. The comparison of the combustions of different pre mixtures of natural gas(100%, 60% and 20%), DM(0%, 40% and 80%) and air were experimentally conducted at the same initial temperature and pressure without diluent gases. The results show that DM has the function of accelerating pressure rise, promoting combustion, shortening combustion duration and advancing the formation of cellularity, but it will also reduce the maximum combustion pressure at and around the stoichiometric ratio, while the diluent gases have the opposite effects on combustion, such as decreasing the maximum combustion pressure and explosion index. In addition, CO2 is stronger than N2 in the suppression of combustion.
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