汪晟全,王谦,钟文君,朱江涛,何志霞.柴油两段喷射中预喷对主喷燃烧特性影响试验研究[J].内燃机工程,2019,40(3):32-40. |
柴油两段喷射中预喷对主喷燃烧特性影响试验研究 |
Experimental Study on Influence of Pilot Injection on Main Injected Diesel Fuel Combustion Under a Split Injection |
DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2019.03.005 |
关键词:两段喷射 着火延迟期 燃烧持续期 火焰浮起长度 液相长度 |
Key Words:split injection ignition delay combustion duration lift-off length
liquid length |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51876083) |
摘要点击次数: 4676 |
全文下载次数: 1821 |
摘要:采用可视化定容弹搭配高速数码相机研究柴油两段喷射过程中预喷对主喷喷雾在低温下的燃烧特性的影响。通过对单段喷雾燃烧过程的试验研究发现,随喷射压力增大单段喷雾燃烧的着火延迟期与燃烧持续期减小,而火焰浮起长度与液相长度增大。同时,在相同喷射压力与喷射脉宽下对比单段喷雾燃烧过程与两段喷射主喷燃烧过程得到:两段喷雾的主喷着火位置更靠近喷嘴;主喷的着火延迟期大大缩短,但预喷量对其影响较小;两段喷雾的主喷燃烧持续期增大,且随着预喷量的增大而增大;两段喷雾的主喷燃烧火焰浮起长度小于单段喷雾燃烧火焰浮起长度,且随着预喷量的增大略有增大;两段喷雾燃烧的液相长度小于单段喷雾燃烧的液相长度,且随着预喷量的增大而减小。 |
Abstract:The influence of the pilot injection on the main injected diesel fuel combustion under a split injection at low temperature was studied using a visualized constant volume combustion chamber and a high speed digital camera. The experimental study on single injection combustion process showed that both of its ignition delay and combustion duration decreased, while the flame lift-off length and liquid length increased with the increase of the injection pressure. A comparison was made of the combustion processes of single injection and the main injection of a split injection with the same injection pressure and pulse width. The results show that the initial ignition position of the main injection is closer to the nozzle than that of the single injection, and the ignition delay of the main injection is greatly shortened because of the pilot injection, but the influence of the pilot injection ratio on the ignition delay of the main injection is small. Meanwhile, the combustion duration of the main injection is longer and increases with the increase of the pilot injection ratio. The flame lift-off length of the main injection is smaller than that of the single injection, and slightly increases with the increase of the pilot spray ratio. Furthermore, the liquid length of the main injection is shorter than that of the single injection during combustion, and decreases with the increase of the pilot injection ratio. |
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