Analysis of Morphology and Element in Atmospheric Particulate Matters from Motor Vehicles
关键词:大气颗粒物  机动车  分形理论  表面形貌  元素
Key Words:atmospheric particulate matters  motor vehicle  fractal theory  morphology  element
梅德纯,袁银男,梅丛蔚,肖政臻 1.江苏大学 汽车与交通工程学院镇江 212013 2.江苏省交通技师学院镇江 212028 
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Abstract:Morphology box dimension and element contents of atmospheric particulate matters from motor vehicles in different regions were analyzed by using the field emissions scanning electron microscope(FESEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDX) and fractal theory. The results show that most of raw particulate matters from diesel engines are spherical and contain a great number of carbon and oxygen, and the particulate matters of small size are more agglomerative and therefore present greater box dimensions due to the large specific surface areas. The particulate matters of large size among those atmospheric ones collected from typical vehicle regions are prismatic and contain more calcium and silicon, which indicates there are many minerals and dust in big particulate matters. With the decrease in particulate matter size, the box dimension of each particulate matter from different sources increases.
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