Analysis of Instantaneous Pressure of Hydraulic Circuit in Electro-Hydraulic Variable Valve Timing System
关键词:船用柴油机  液压油路  瞬时压力  压力变化率  波动方差
Key Words:marine diesel engine  hydraulic circuit  instantaneous pressure  pressure change rate  fluctuation variance
韩志强,胡明艳,赵家辉,田维,周洲 1.西华大学 流体及动力机械教育部重点实验室成都 610039 2.中国船舶重工集团公司第七一一研究所上海 201108 
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全文下载次数: 1753
Abstract:Using the simulation model of a type of marine diesel electro-hydraulic variable valve timing system, the influence of the design parameters of oil return solenoid valve, including opening slope, maximum opening limit, opening phase and oil supply pressure on the instantaneous pressure of hydraulic circuit during oil return stage was studied. Results show that the instantaneous pressure change rate in the oil pressure drop zone is almost unaffected by the oil supply pressure, but increases as the solenoid valve opening slope increases, and decreases as the opening phase advances and the maximum opening limit increases. The fluctuation variance in the oil pressure stabilization zone increases with the increase of the oil supply pressure and opening slope, and decreases with the advance of the opening phase and the increase of the maximum opening limit. However, the instantaneous pressure change rate in the free pressure drop zone is almost independent of the solenoid valve opening slope, maximum opening limit, opening phase and oil supply pressure.
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