郑尊清,贺子晗,王浒,王洋,尧命发,张德福.燃料敏感性对部分预混燃烧影响的试验研究[J].内燃机工程,2019,40(1):9-14. |
燃料敏感性对部分预混燃烧影响的试验研究 |
Experimental Investigation into Effect of Fuel Sensitivity on Combustion and Emissions of Partially Premixed Combustion |
DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2019.01.002 |
关键词:甲苯参比燃料 部分预混燃烧 燃料敏感性 辛烷值 |
Key Words:toluene reference fuel partially premixed combustion fuel sensitivity octane number |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51576138);天津科委一般项目(15JCYBJC21300) |
摘要点击次数: 3813 |
全文下载次数: 1866 |
摘要:配制辛烷值相同而敏感性不同的高辛烷值燃料,在一台改造的单缸试验发动机上进行了燃料敏感性对部分预混燃烧的燃烧和排放特性影响的研究。采用的不同敏感性的燃料为配制的甲苯参比燃料和市售92#汽油。研究结果表明:燃料敏感性越高,滞燃期越长,油气混合越充分,预混燃烧比例越大,NOx排放越高。燃烧重心(CA50)随着敏感性的增高先推迟后提前,敏感性为2的燃料CA50最迟。燃料敏感性越低,压升率越低,而市售92#汽油挥发性较强,预混比例较大,最大压升率最高;敏感性为2的燃料在上止点附近放热较多,指示热效率较高;汽油及敏感性为5和8的燃料的碳烟排放比其他燃料低。 |
Abstract:An experimental investigation was conducted into the effect of fuel sensitivity on combustion and emissions of partially premixed combustion on a modified single-cylinder testing engine fueled with different fuels of the same research octane number(RON) but different sensitivities. The fuels used were toluene reference fuels of different sensitivities of 0, 2, 5, 8 and 11(with 11 the greatest), and a market gasoline with the RON of 92. The results indicate that with a fuel of higher sensitivity, the ignition delay is longer, the fuel/air mixture more homogeneous, and the premixed combustion stronger with more NOx. With the increase in fuel sensitivity, the CA50 first delays and then advances, resulting in the most delay of CA50 with the fuel having the sensitivity of 2. With a fuel of lower sensitivity, the rate of maximum pressure rise is smaller; but the rate of maximum pressure rise with the gasoline is the highest due to its stronger volatility and more premixed combustion. Moreover, with the fuel having the sensitivity of 2, the engine has the most heat release near top dead center, resulting in the highest thermal efficiency. With the gasoline and the fuels having the sensitivities of 5 and 8, engine soot is the lowest. The sensitivity of the gasoline with the RON of 92 is between 5 and 8. |
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