芦红宇,张卫正,原彦鹏,章磊.基于应力流概念的压差评价方法[J].内燃机工程,2019,40(2):92-96. |
基于应力流概念的压差评价方法 |
Pressure Difference Evaluating Method Based on Stress-Flow Concept |
DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2019.02.013 |
关键词:应力集中 应力流 比拟 压差 |
Key Words:stress concentration stress flow analogy pressure difference |
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摘要点击次数: 3386 |
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摘要:为解决承力框架结构的应力集中问题,采用应力流概念,在理论基础上对二维带孔平板结构进行仿真分析,得出应力值越大压差越大的结果,并在二维平板结构的基础上探索是否三维结构具有同样的结论。最后提出一种运用压差的方式对承力结构进行评价的方法,并运用此方法评价了改进后的活塞结构,从另一种角度为降低承力结构的应力集中现象提供了新的依据,扩展了解决问题的途径。 |
Abstract:In order to solve the problem of stress concentration in bearing frame structure, the relationship between stress and pressure difference in a two-dimensional perforated plate was theoretically simulated using the stress flow concept. The result shows that the larger the stress value is, the larger the pressure difference is. Then a three-dimensional structure was simulated to explore whether it has the same phenomena. Finally, a method to evaluate bearing structure by means of differential pressure was proposed based on the above analysis, and it was used to evaluate an improved piston structure. The result shows that the method provides a new basis for reducing stress concentration in bearing structure from another perspective and expands the solution to the problem. |
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