Research on Maneuverability of Marine Diesel-Electric Hybrid System
关键词:混合动力  机动性能  Matlab/Simulink  仿真
Key Words:hybrid system  maneuverability  Matlab/Simulink  simulation
刘永志,胡义,徐振峰 武汉理工大学 能源与动力工程学院武汉 430063 
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摘要:为解决传统机械推进系统在低速机动航行阶段出现油耗率高及环境污染严重等问题,结合柴油机驱动与电机驱动各自的优点,运用Matlab/Simulink分别建立四象限船-机-桨运动模型及柴油机、电机动力系统的动态仿真模型,对比分析低负荷机动航行工况下纯柴油机驱动船舶速度响应与电机驱动船舶速度响应及油耗量与耗电量情况。研究结果表明,低速机动航行起动工况下电动机驱动(power take in, PTI)模式具有经济、节能环保和动力性良好的优势,该研究为船舶混合动力系统的研究提供了理论支撑及指导。
Abstract:To solve the problem of high fuel consumption and serious environmental pollution in traditional mechanical propulsion system at low speed maneuvering stage, a four-quadrant ship-diesel-propellers model, and a dynamic simulation model of diesel engine and motor power system were established respectively by using the MATLAB/Simulink and by integrating the advantages of diesel engine drive and motor drive. The comparative analysis was made of the navigating speed response and fuel consumption of pure diesel engine drive and the navigating speed response and power consumption of pure motor drive at low load propulsion. The results of the study show that the power take in(PTI) mode has the advantages of fuel economy, energy saving, environmental protection and high power at low speed maneuvering navigation. The study method can provide a theoretical support and guidance for the research of marine hybrid system.
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