Research on Structure and Performance of a Mine Diesel Engine with Spray Cooling System
关键词:防爆柴油机  高温排气  喷雾降温系统  防爆要求
Key Words:explosion proof diesel engine  high temperature exhaust gas  spray cooling system  explosion proof requirements
张顺凯,顾文钰,邬斌扬,苏万华 天津大学 内燃机国家重点试验室天津 300072 
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摘要:针对防爆柴油机排气降温系统加装废气水洗箱装置极大增加发动机排气系统阻力的问题,自行设计和搭建了排气喷雾降温系统,并对降温效果的影响因素如喷雾流量、雾滴粒径、喷射方式、两级喷雾比例等在1500 r/min、700 N·m工况点进行了试验研究。结果表明:雾滴粒径越小越有利于雾滴在高温排气中的蒸发;采用逆流喷射方式和适当增加第二级喷雾流量比例增加了喷雾降温效果;系统中加入换热管增加了循环冷却水对排气的降温,减少了喷雾的用水量。在1500 r/min、700 N·m工况下采用带有换热管的喷雾降温系统可以把排气温度降低到67 ℃,满足防爆要求。
Abstract:In order to solve the problem of increased exhaust caused by the installation of an exhaust water washing tank assembly in an explosion-proof diesel exhaust cooling system, an exhaust spray cooling system consisting of water jacket cooling, heat exchange tube cooling and two-stage spray cooling was designed, and then the key factors affecting the cooling effect, such as the spray flow rate, spray particle size, injection method and two-stage spray ratio were tested at 1500 r/min and a torque of 700 N·m. Results show that the smaller the spray particle size, the better the spray evaporation in the high-temperature exhaust. Use of counter-current spraying with appropriate increase in the proportion of the second-stage spray flow allows to improve spray cooling effect. Moreover, the heat exchange tubes added to the system can increase the cooling of exhaust gas by circulating cooling water and reduce the amount of water used for spraying. As observed, using a spray cooling system with heat exchange tubes can reduce the exhaust temperature to 67 ℃ under the above mentioned operating conditions, thus meeting the requirements that the exhaust outlet operating temperature of explosion-proof diesel shouldn't exceed 70 ℃ as specified in the MT 990—2006.
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