陈鹏,臧志成,赵闯,朱磊,邵祥,叶峻.主被动再生DPF系统中DOC涂层匹配性能研究[J].内燃机工程,2018,39(6):86-91. |
主被动再生DPF系统中DOC涂层匹配性能研究 |
Investigation into DOC Matching Performance with Active and Passive Regeneration DPF System |
DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2018.06.011 |
关键词:起燃温度 DOC后温度 喷油速率 贵金属 温升速率 |
Key Words:light-off temperature DOC rear temperature injection rate platinum group metal heating rate |
基金项目:2016年国家重点研发计划“智能农机装备”重点专项(2016YFD0700800) |
摘要点击次数: 3644 |
全文下载次数: 1865 |
摘要:基于发动机试验台架,试验研究了不同氧化催化器(DOC)涂层、不同排气温度时,DOC对气态总碳氢(THC)、CO的转化效率和起燃温度的影响。确定了两种DOC涂层对气态污染物的转化性能:1#、2#DOC的THC起燃温度分别为175℃和162℃,CO起燃温度分别为149℃和151℃。排气温度高于220℃时THC转化效率均高于85%,排气温度高于190℃时CO的转化效率均高于95%,1#DOC性能略优于2#DOC。此外,在不同发动机工况、不同喷油速率下,评估不同涂层含量DOC进行DPF主动再生时的温升能力,结果表明:DOC的贵金属(PGM)涂层含量、涂层厚度均影响其转化碳氢化合物(HC)的能力;2#DOC的PGM含量更高,DOC氧化HC的速度更快,对喷射的HC更为敏感,因此2#DOC后温度上升速度更快,温度波动更大;1#、2#DOC的PGM含量均满足使DOC后温度达到目标再生温度的需求,两者最终的稳定温度逐渐趋于一致;此外,喷油速率影响DOC的升温能力,喷油速率小于40g/min时2#DOC升温速率高于1#DOC,喷油速率高于40g/min时1#DOC升温速率高于2#DOC。喷油速率为47.7g/min时,1#DOC的最大升温速率为8.540℃/s,2#DOC为7.401℃/s,两者差异达15%。 |
Abstract:Based on engine test bench, the effects of platinum group metal(PGM) amount in DOC and exhaust temperature on the converting efficiencies of total hydro carbon(THC), CO emission and T50(50% converting rate) temperature were investigated, and the gaseous pollutions converting performances of two DOCs(DOC1 and DOC2) with different PGM amount were obtained. The results show that for both DOCs, T50 temperatures for THC are 175℃ and 162℃, and for CO 149℃ and 151℃. When the exhaust temperature is higher than 220℃, the THC converting efficiencies of both DOCs are higher than 85%. When the exhaust temperature is over 190℃, the CO converting efficiencies of both DOCs are bigger than 95%. DOC1 is slightly better than DOC2 in terms of overall performance. Moreover, the effect of PGM amount on the temperature rise ability for DPF active regeneration at different engine operations and exhaust-pipe fuel injection rates was researched. The results indicate that the PGM amount and coating thickness can affect THC transform ability. DOC2 has higher PGM amount, transfers HC faster and is more sensitive to HC dosing. Therefore DOC2 rear temperature increases faster and more undulates. The PGM amount of DOC1 and DOC2 can ensure their rear temperatures to the target temperatures, and the rear temperatures become stable and the same at the end. In addition, the injection rate can affect DOC heating performance(heating rate). When the injection rate is below 40g/min, the heating rate of DOC2 is higher. When the injection rate is over 40g/min, the heating rate of DOC1 is higher. When the injection rate is 47.7g/min, the heating rates of DOC1 and DOC2 are 8.540℃/s and 7.401℃/s respectively, the difference is 15%. |
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