Analysis of Unregulated Emissions from a Diesel Bus Equipped with CDPF
关键词:非常规排放物  催化型柴油机颗粒过滤器  柴油公交车  测试技术
Key Words:unregulated emissions  catalyzed diesel particulate filter  diesel engine bus  testing technology
冯谦,李孟良,李志军,秦孔建,楼狄明,吕赫 1.天津大学 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室天津 3000722.中国汽车技术研究中心天津 300300 3.同济大学 汽车学院上海 201804 
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摘要:测试分析了柴油公交车安装催化型柴油机颗粒过滤器(catalyzed diesel particulate filters, CDPF)在瞬态测试循环工况下对非常规气态物、颗粒物中的碳质组分、芳香烃及其毒性的影响。研究结果表明:CDPF对挥发性有机物的减排率为57.6%,对柴油车颗粒物中总碳的减排率为70.4%,对柴油车颗粒中多环芳烃(PAHs)组分减排率为91.1%,CDPF对低环数的PAHs表现较高的减排率,而对其他环数的PAHs的减排率略低。CDPF能明显降低不同苯环PAHs的毒性当量,但对不同苯环PAHs的毒性当量比例影响不明显。
Abstract:The effect was studied of a CDPF(catalyzed diesel particulate filter) on the unregulated emissions of a diesel bus in the transit cycle: volatile organic compounds(VOCs), particulate carbon components, particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) and their toxicity. The results show that the VOCs are reduced by 57.6% with the CDPF, the total carbon(TC) is reduced by 70.4%, and the PAHs are reduced by up to 91.1%. The CDPF shows higher reduction in low-ring PAHs, such as 3-ring and 4-ring PAHs, while it presents lower influence on higher ring PAHs. The CDPF can obviously reduce the toxicity equivalent of different benzene rings of PAHs, and it has no obvious effect on the ratio of the toxicity equivalent of different benzene rings of PAHs.
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