Effect of VGT on Diesel Engine Performance Using Oxygenated Fuel at Different Altitudes
关键词:柴油机  性能  海拔  可变几何截面涡轮增压(VGT)  含氧燃料
Key Words:diesel engine  performance  altitudes  variable geometry turbocharger(VGT)  oxygenated fuel
尹升,毕玉华,申立忠,王俊,刘少华,宋国富 1.昆明理工大学 云南省内燃机重点实验室昆明 6505002.昆明云内动力股份有限公司昆明 650500 
摘要点击次数: 4419
全文下载次数: 1769
Abstract:The effect of the variable geometry turbocharger(VGT) on fuel economy, emissions and combustion characteristics of a high pressure common rail diesel engine using straight diesel and biodiesel-ethanol-diesel (BED) fuel at different altitudes was investigated by an atmospheric pressure simulation system. Results show that the elevation of altitude leads to a deterioration, of fuel economy coupled to the reduction of nitrogen oxide(NOx) emissions and hence the increase of carbon monoxide(CO), hydrocarbon(HC) and soot emissions. With the increase of the opening area of the turbocharger nozzle ring, the specific fuel consumption goes up. While the emissions of CO, HC and soot increase to varying degrees when using straight diesel and oxygenated fuel separately. In the high altitude area, the fuel economy of the straight diesel operation is better than that of the oxygenated fuel operation, but using oxygenated fuel can help apparently improve the emissions of CO, HC and soot. Under medium load conditions, the NOx emissions decreases first and then increase with the rise of the opening area of turbocharger nozzle ring. However, under high load conditions, the heat release rate and maximum cylinder pressure will fall with the increase of the opening area of nozzle ring, thus reducing the NOx emissions.
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