Research on Diesel Engine Connecting Rod Small End Bearing Lubrication Based on Thermal Elastic Hydrodynamic Model
关键词:热弹流动力学模型  轴承润滑  热负荷  柔性多体动力学  柴油机
Key Words:thermal elastic hydrodynamic model  bearing lubrication  thermal load  flexible multi body dynamic  diesel engine
毕凤荣,刘博,刘春朝,田从丰,李鑫,马腾 1.天津大学 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室天津 3000722.山推工程机械股份有限公司济宁 272000 
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摘要:以某直列6缸柴油机为研究对象,建立活塞销—连杆—曲柄销柔性多体动力学分析模型。基于热弹性流体动力学(TEHD)润滑和微凸峰接触理论,建立连杆小头轴承的TEHD模型,分析了热负荷影响下轴承间隙和表面粗糙度对润滑性的影响规律。研究结果表明:计及热负荷影响,轴承最大油膜压力增加7.5%,最小油膜厚度降低8.1%,摩擦功耗增加10.1%,粗糙峰接触增加6.0%,轴承产生温升现象,最大温升为20.1 ℃;轴承间隙增加,轴承最大油膜压力增幅提高50%,最小油膜厚度减幅保持不变;表面粗糙度增加,轴承最大油膜压力增幅提高50%,最小油膜厚度减幅缩小55%。该热弹流模型研究方法为动力机械热负荷条件下摩擦副失效机理分析提供了一种可行的途径,研究结果对摩擦副滑动轴承加工精度制定具有一定的指导作用。
Abstract:A flexible multi-body dynamics model for piston pin-connecting rod-crank pin was established with a six cylinder diesel engine as the research object. Moreover based on the thermal elastic hydrodynamic(TEHD) lubrication and the asperity contact theory, a TEHD model for connecting rod small end bearing was established to analyze the influence of the bearing clearance and surface roughness on lubricity under thermal load. Results show that under the influence of thermal load, the maximum oil film pressure increases by 7.5%, the minimum oil film thickness decreases by 8.1%, the friction power loss increases by 10.1%, and the rough peak contact increases by 6.0%, and hence the maximum temperature of the bearing rises to 20.1 ℃. With the increase in bearing gap, the maximum oil film pressure increases by 55%, and the decrease of minimum oil film thickness remains constant. Moreover, with the increase of surface roughness, the maximum oil film pressure amplification increases by 50%, and the minimum oil film thickness decreases by 55%. The thermal elastic hydrodynamic model adopted in this study provides a feasible way for the analysis of the failure mechanism of the friction pairs of power machinery under thermal load conditions. What's more, the results of this study have a certain guiding role in making the machining precision of sliding bearing friction pair.
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