Fault Diagnosis for Fuel Limiting Valve of Marine Diesel Engine with Common Rail System Based on Probabilistic Neural Network
关键词:船用柴油机  共轨系统  限流阀  故障诊断  概率神经网络
Key Words:marine diesel engine  high pressure common rail system  fuel limiting valve  fault diagnosis  probabilistic neural network
金江善,董晓露,秦慈伟,桑晓琳 1.中国船舶重工集团公司 第七一一研究所上海 2011082.船舶与海洋工程动力系统国家工程实验室上海 201108 
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Abstract:The failure mode of the fuel limiting valve was analyzed based on the working principle of the high pressure common rail system(HPCRS)of marine diesel engine. A simulation model of HPCRS was built with the AMESim hydraulic simulation platform, and the characteristics of three typical fault modes of the fuel limiting valve was obtained by simulation. A probabilistic neural network was established to diagnose failure of the valve, and test and simulation data were used to complete the training and verification of the network. The results show that the probabilistic neural network can realize the fault diagnosis of the fuel limiting valve effectively.
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