A Study on the Effect of Ultrahigh Tumble on the Combustion System of a High Thermal Efficiency Gasoline Engine
关键词:自然吸气  直喷汽油机  进气道  滚流比  数值模拟
Key Words:natural aspiration  gasoline direct injection engine  intake port  tumble ratio  numerical simulation
张满富,祖炳锋,王振,徐玉梁,刘丽娜,白杨 1.天津大学 内燃机研究所天津 3000722.天津大学 机械工程学院天津 300072 
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全文下载次数: 1756
Abstract:Numerical simulation of the gasoline engine working process is carried out with one dimensional and threedimensional software based on a natural aspiration direct injection engine with high compression ratio to analyze the trend and effect of the ultrahigh tumble intake system on combustion performance in combustion system of high thermal efficiency. Three kinds of in take port with different tumble ratio and four kinds of calculation cases are designed in the study. Comparisons of transient tumble ratio, transient turbulence energy, velocity field in cylinder, equivalence ratio, heat release rate and mean pressure in cylinder among different cases are made. Results show that the tumble ratio affects the distribution of the gas mixture in cylinder and the strength of the turbulence energy. Higher tumble ratio can help keep more energy stay near the top dead center, which can enhance the average turbulence energy in cylinder at spark time, affecting the combustion process including flame development and propagation and the engine performance. The piston with the pit can keep the turbulence energy at the center at different tumble ratios, which means that the turbulence energy around the spark plug is higher, accelerating the propagation of the flame. In the combustion system, when the tumble ratio increases to some extent, it is hard to enhance the average peak pressure in cylinder and better the engine performance. Thus, the excessive tumble ratio has little effect on engine performance optimization.
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