Effect of Engine Transient Characteristics on Vehicle'sDriving Cycle Power and Fuel Consumption
关键词:瞬态特性  循环工况  万有特性  循环工况油耗
Key Words:transient characteristics  driving cycle  universal characteristics  driving cycle fuel consumption
杨靖,米林,李洋涛 1.重庆理工大学 车辆工程学院重庆 4000542.滑铁卢大学 机械与机电工程学院加拿大 滑铁卢 N2L3G1 
摘要点击次数: 3591
全文下载次数: 1843
Abstract:In order to solve the problem of using the engine steady state universal characteristics to calculate the vehicles driving cycle performance, the transient characteristics of a gasoline engine for motorcycle use were measured by simulating the vehicle driving cycle conditions on the engine dynamic bench. And then, the mixture formation and combustion process of the engine were improved under transient conditions, thus resulting in an increase in engines transient response frequency. Experimental results show that in the case of small changes in the steady state characteristics of the engine, the improvements of transient characteristics not only slightly enhance the vehicles dynamic property, but also significantly reduce the 100km fuel consumption in the vehicle driving cycle.
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