卫海桥,李楠,潘家营,华剑雄.甲醇和甲醇重整气对直喷汽油机性能影响的对比研究[J].内燃机工程,2018,39(1):15-22. |
甲醇和甲醇重整气对直喷汽油机性能影响的对比研究 |
Effect of Methanol or Methanol Reformate Addition on GDISI Engine Performance |
DOI: |
关键词:燃料重整 发动机 甲醇 甲醇重整气 层流火焰速度 |
Key Words:fuel reforming engine methanol methanol reformate laminar flame speed |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(91641203,51476114);中国博士后基金项目(2016M590201) |
摘要点击次数: 4021 |
全文下载次数: 2063 |
摘要:基于GT-Power并耦合层流火焰速度经验公式开展了甲醇和甲醇重整气对直喷汽油机性能影响的对比分析。首先分别基于双燃料层流火焰速度经验公式,求取了异辛烷甲醇和汽油甲醇重整气层流火焰速度,根据层流火焰速度计算出燃烧持续期,作为燃烧模型的输入变量,进而探讨了汽油掺混不同比例的甲醇及甲醇重整气对发动机性能的影响规律。研究结果表明:掺混甲醇重整气与直接掺混甲醇相比,发动机有效热效率和输出转矩明显增加,当量比油耗降低,CO排放水平相当,但NOx排放增加。尤其在稀燃条件下,掺混甲醇重整气使热效率增加明显,这说明燃料重整方式在提高直喷汽油机热效率方面更有应用潜力。 |
Abstract:The influence of methanol and methanol reformate on DISI engine performance was analyzed based on GT-Power the software coupled to the empirical formula of laminar flame speed with dual fuel operation. First using the empirical formula, and combustion duration were calculated successively when the engine was operating with gasoline-methanol and gasoline-methanol reformate respectively and then the calculated results were input into the combustion model to explore the influence of different mixing ratios on engine performance. Results show that compared with the direct blending of methanol, the use of methanol reformate can significantly improve thermal efficiency and torque output, reduce fuel consumption and maintain the same CO emissions, but will increase the NOx emissions especially under the lean burn conditions. This indicates that the fuel reforming has more potential to improve the thermal efficiency of GDISI engine than the direct blending of methanol. |
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