Multi Objective Optimization of Port Parameters in an Opposed Piston Two Stroke Diesel Engine
关键词:内燃机  对置活塞二冲程  扫气  多目标优化
Key Words:IC engine  opposed piston two stroke  scavenging  multi objective optimization
马赫阳,李向荣,杨伟,刘福水 1.北京理工大学 机械与车辆学院发动机研究所北京 1000812.北京理工大学 高效低排放内燃机技术工业和信息化部重点实验室北京 100081 
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Abstract:A GT-Power model was established to analyze the influence of intake and exhaust port heights on power and scavenging performances of an opposed piston two-stroke(OP2S) diesel engine. A multi-objective optimization method was used to optimize IMEP, scavenging efficiency and trapping ratio at different speeds and to evaluate the power and scavenging performance of the diesel engine. Results show that the optimal intake and exhaust port heights increase with a rise in speed, and compared with the fixed port height, the use of variable port height according to specific speed can increase IMEP. So using variable port height system to achieve VVT can greatly improve the comprehensive performance of the OP2S diesel engine.
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