Research on Performance Improvement of a Marine Medium Speed Diesel Engine
关键词:柴油机  性能  喷油压力  燃烧室形态  仿真
Key Words:diesel engine  performance  fuel injection pressure  shape of combustion chamber  simulation
杨城,陈丹,朱钰 1.集美大学 轮机工程学院厦门 3610212.福建省船舶与海洋工程重点实验室厦门 361021 
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摘要:为提升燃油系统电控化改造后4190ZLC-2船用中速柴油机的经济性能和排放性能,开展了燃油系统多参数优化试验;利用AVL FIRE软件对试验得到的经济性最优匹配参数下的柴油机高压工作过程进行了仿真计算;通过对燃烧室内三位流场的分析,提供进一步提高喷油压力和修改燃烧室形状的方案;再利用仿真计算得到喷油压力进一步提高后较优的燃烧室匹配方案。研究结果表明:喷油压力提高后,柴油机总体性能提高;为适应喷油压力的提高,燃烧室的深度和开口直径分别应该减小和增加,但燃烧室的深度太浅会造成燃烧不完全,导致油耗率上升。研究结果为该柴油机的燃烧系统改进提供了理论依据。
Abstract:In order to improve the economy and emissions of the 4190ZLC-2 marine medium speed diesel engine after the electronically controlled reform of the fuel injection system, a multi parameter optimization test was carried out for the fuel injection system. Using the most economical matching parameters obtained by experimental method, the high pressure working process of the engine was simulated by the AVL FIRE software. By the analyses of the 3D flow fields in the combustion chamber, a scheme to further improve the fuel injection pressure and modify the shape of the combustion chamber was put forward and then a better combustion chamber matching scheme was obtained by simulation .Results show increasing the fuel injection pressure can improve the overall performance of the engine. In order to adapt to the increase in fuel injection pressure, the depth and opening diameter of the combustion chamber should be decreased and increased respectively, but the shallow combustion chamber can lead to incomplete combustion, resulting in an increase in fuel consumption. This study can provide a theoretical basis for the improvement of diesel combustion system.
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