Experimental Study on Combustion and Emission Characteristics of a Lean Burn Engine Fueled with Methanol/Gasoline
关键词:GDI发动机  甲醇汽油  稀薄燃烧  燃烧特性  排放特性
Key Words:GDI engine  methanol/gasoline  lean burn  combustion characteristics  emission characteristics
黄震,金兆辉,姜北平,任瑞雪,安东,洪伟 1.吉林大学 汽车仿真与控制国家重点实验室长春 130022 2.长春一汽四环发动机制造有限公司长春 130000 
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Abstract:The combustion and emission characteristics of a GDI turbocharged engine fueled with different methanol/gasoline blends respectively were investigated under lean burn conditions. Results show that under lean burn conditions, the equivalent fuel consumption tends to decrease first and then increase with the mixture concentration getting thinner. It will increase with the rise of methanol/gasoline ratio, but lower than the original. In the process of the mixture getting thinner, the peak cylinder pressure and combustion temperature decrease, while the combustion duration and cycle to cycle variability gradually increase, Under lean burn conditions, the CO emissions tend to decrease and the HC emissions decrease first and the increase, while the NOx emissions increase first and then decrease, and will decrease with the increase of the volume fraction of methanol. Moreover, when the engine operates with methanol/gasoline blends, the emission levels of NOx and CO are lower than with gasoline operation.
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